Trap Set Tools

Trap Set Tools for coils spring foot traps, body grip traps, long spring traps & dog proof coon traps.
  • Coil Spring Trap Setters

    Coil Spring Trap Setters

    Are you tired of trying to set your coil spring traps with just your hands. Try the Coil Spring Trap Setter. Handles slip over trap's levers to make setting strong traps easy. Fits all sizes....through 4's. Painted Orange so when you set them on the...
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  • Dog Proof Trap Set Tool

    Dog Proof Trap Set Tool

    The Dog Proof Trap Set Tool makes setting the Dog Proof Coon Trap so much easier! Works with all Dog Proof Raccoon Traps. Painted Orange so its easy to find when you set it down on the ground.
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  • Duke Safety Gripper for Body Trap

    Duke Safety Gripper for Body Trap

    The Duke safety gripper lets you make body grip sets easily and safely, even difficult underwater sets. If trap is inadvertently triggered, the body grip Safety Gripper grabs and holds jaws.
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  • Set Tool For Body Trap

    Set Tool For Body Trap

    This handy 20" tool lets you apply strong leverage to compress springs on the body grip and long spring traps of all sizes. A great time saver.
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  • Set Tool for Body Trap - Heavy Duty 30"

    Set Tool for Body Trap - Heavy Duty 30"

    If you're like me, you've probably found that the old standard Body Grip setting tool just doesn't cut it on the 330 size. The larger sized setting tool that makes setting even the big Body Grips a snap. Although this tool was specifically made for 330s,...
  • KB Body Trap Stabilizer

    KB Body Trap Stabilizer

    KB Stabilizers are great for all sizes of body grip traps. These stabilizers are excellent for many different set locations: trails, bridges, culverts, muck bottoms, etc. Take the pain out of trying to find a perfect spot to set your Body Trap !
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  • MB Coni-Bracket

    MB Coni-Bracket

    This handy little bracket can be nailed to a tree, board, etc. or welded on a stake or lag bolt. When nailing to wood, just bend the flange down with a pliers and you have two holes to nail through. Dozens of uses. For 110,120,160, & 220 body grippers...
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  • MB-750 Set Tool

    MB-750 Set Tool

    MB-750 Setting Tools, makes setting the 750's very easy. Setters are positioned under the springs and against the levers to push downward.
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  • MB-650 Setting Tool

    MB-650 Setting Tool

    The best setting tool ever for setting the MB-650 Traps. You can now easily set the MB-650 with your two hands. Set traps while sitting or standing.. Knee deep snow, mud, weather? No Problem. These lightweight tools make setting the MB-650 Coyote and...
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  • Trigger Body Grip Setter

    Trigger Body Grip Setter

    Set any size body-grip trap spring with the use of only one hand. Small light weight setter is easy to fit in a pack or clip on your belt. Anyone can set body grip traps with this tool