Kaatz Bros 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Book of Coyote Trapping MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Book of Coyote Trapping MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Book of Coyote Trapping MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack MSRP: Now: $7.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Book of Coyote Trapping MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Black Book of Coyote Trapping MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD MSRP: Now: $30.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $9.25 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz MSRP: Now: $7.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz MSRP: Now: $25.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon MSRP: Now: $58.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart MSRP: Now: $19.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz MSRP: Now: $13.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Land Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $10.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book MSRP: Now: $12.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Red Fox Frenzy - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD MSRP: Now: $25.95 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $15.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Skunks - The Best Investment You'll Ever Make - DVD MSRP: Now: $15.85 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Smokin Aces Sweet and Sour Coon Sauce MSRP: Now: $10.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Trapline Anecdotes: Back to the Basics with Kyle Kaatz - DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Trapline Anectdotes: Roadlining DVD MSRP: Now: $29.50 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Trapline Techniques: Mud , Snow and Predators - DVD MSRP: Now: $27.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Ulti Boss Raccoon Paste Bait 16 oz MSRP: Now: $14.00 More Info ` Compare Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Ulti-Mag Cherry MSRP: Now: $9.95 More Info ` Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 1 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz 1-800 Predator Call Lure 4 oz. A loud, powerful calling lure of 5-star quality. The base of this attractant is sun-rendered fish oil blended with beaver castor oil, and a heavy dose of skunk essence... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #2 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesn't rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all # 1 3/4 coilsprings,... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Aluminum Wire Screen Pan Covers #3 - 12 Pack Aluminum wire doesnt rust, adds crucial kill-area to the pan, and of course keeps dirt from under the pan. Be sure to crease pan cover around pan to prevent buckling. Fits all #3 coilspring traps... MSRP: Now: $7.50 Add to Cart Compare Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Black Book of Coyote Trapping Kellin Kaatz: Imagine launching your coyote trapping success from a handful per season to 40, 50, or 100s of coyotes. Don't have 3 months to trap day-in and day-out, 14 hours everyday, with limitless... MSRP: Now: $9.95 Add to Cart Compare Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Black Magik Coon and Mink Bait 16 oz A highly effective, versatile smoked crayfish based bait for all your coon and mink trapping. While testing this bait, Kyle caught 416 raccoon and 30 mink in 12 days on the Iowa road line! Great for... MSRP: Now: $14.00 Add to Cart Compare Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Encyclopedia of Lure & Bait Making Book An in-depth look into lure and bait formulation, this book provides the insight to further your understanding of the ingredients, preservatives, and processes involved with making your own highly... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Glands: A Trapper's Commodity - DVD 40 Minutes Join Kyle Kaatz to learn the basics of collecting, storing, and marketing animal glands. Regardless of fur markets, animal glands are always in demand, and offer additional income... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
In the Fur Shed With Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines - DVD In the Fur Shed: A Complete Video Guide to Fur Handling with Kyle Kaatz & Brian Steines Join Kyle Kaatz and Brian Steines to learn their methods of handling muskrats, mink, raccoon, otter, beaver,... MSRP: Now: $30.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 1 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Beaver Lure 4 oz. With tens of thousands of beaver to its credit, this castor-based lure is second to none! Used with great confidence year-round! Attractive to all furbearers! MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Evanesce Predator Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A discussion with J.C. Conner from Newcomerstown, Ohio, yielded the birth of this amazing lure. He asked Kyle, "If you could have just one... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 1 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $9.25 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Hickory Creek Raccoon Food Lure 4 oz. Named after a natural flow which runs it's course through Will County, Illinois, Hickory Creek provided the Kaatz Bros. their first raccoon and beaver... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Mud Road Muskrat Lure 1 oz. Urban expansion has hindered many trappers endeavors in the last few decades. Development of areas that were once wetland habitats prime for the muskrat, mink,... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 1 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Piledriver Mink Gland Lure 4 oz. This lure will pile up mink faster than you can drive to pick em up!" is what Kellen remarked when he formulated the original test batch. As the years... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 1 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Spot Shot Bobcat Curiosity Lure 4 oz. A heavy, complex blend of bobcat calling ingredients easily smeared on a rock or wood backing. While trapping in New Mexico and Idaho, Kellen noticed... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 1 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $7.95 Add to Cart Compare Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz Kaatz Bros Toxi-Dog Predator Call Lure 4 oz. Without a doubt, the most lethal coyote lure we've ever created! The combination of hard-work and Toxi-Dog will result in more fur on your stretchers. Red... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Gallon In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $58.50 Add to Cart Compare KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
KBL Quick Dye Black - 1 Quart In 2004 I introduced this new cold dip. It is quite unique in that it is capable of coating a brand new trap (with factory grease) a dark black color. I'm certain you'll find this a first class cold... MSRP: Now: $19.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kellen's Black Label Extreme Shellfish Coon Bait - 16 oz Kellen's Black Label Coon Bait - Extreme Shellfish Bait that is aged and blended smooth. 100 proof. Extreme oyster/shellfish odor and flavor. An intoxicating attractant for raccoon, mink, otter, and... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kellens Gold Label Coyote Bait 16 oz. New for 2017! For over a century, fox meat (and coyote meat) has been a secret' of the old-school government trappers. Horseback wolfers caught literally millions of coyotes on these meat-based... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Kellens Red Label Extreme Predator Bait- 16 oz Kellen's Red Label Extreme Predator Bait.Aged Muskrat Meat Base Ground and Blended Smooth. 101 Proof. Stands strong against the elements. A unique odor with a mild skunk undertone makes this bait... MSRP: Now: $13.50 Add to Cart Compare Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Land Trapping Made Simple Book Land Trapping Made Simple Book is a beginners guide to trapping coyotes, fox, and dry-land raccoon. Covers all the aspects neccessary to being a successful land trapper! 2nd Printing 112 pgs. MSRP: Now: $10.00 Add to Cart Compare Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple Book Get an edge on your spring beaver trapping season! A complete guide to trapping beaver in open water. Discusses the use of snares, footholds, and body-grippers. An in-depth look at beaver trapping;... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Predator Trapping Theories and Techniques Book 146 pages packed full of the most modern, straightforward methods and philosophies on predator trapping today. Scott catches piles of fur each season in his native Ohio, and his theories will put... MSRP: Now: $15.85 Add to Cart Compare Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Raccoon Trapping Made Simple Book The Raccoon Trapping Made Simple is a complete guide to long-lining raccoon. Covers all aspects of being an efficient long-liner; from pre-season work to marketing your catch. Covers the use of... MSRP: Now: $12.50 Add to Cart Compare Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Red Fox Frenzy - DVD Join Tom and Tera Roach on their Maryland red fox trapline to the music of Chad Slagle. This father-daughter team regularly account for 1,000 furbearers per season. The DVD outlines their preferred... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Runnin the Line: Coon Trappin - DVD The second DVD in the Runnin the Line series is a straightforward, fast-paced instructional for trappers that want to put up big numbers of coon. With thousands of coon to his credit in the last... MSRP: Now: $29.50 Add to Cart Compare Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Runnin the Line: Dirt and Water Trappin Basics - DVD Description: Join Iowa cousins Brian Steines and Steve Griebel along their Iowa farmland coon, fox, and coyote traplines as they show detailed night vision footage of animals working dozens of sets... MSRP: Now: $25.95 Add to Cart Compare Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...
Sandhills Magik Predator Paste Bait 16 oz A wickedly effective, aged bobcat meat (20+ years!!!!) paste bait that will not disappoint. Excellent results at every type of set, anywhere in the nation! While testing this bait, Mike Marchewka and...